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Download : http://www.mediafire.com/?zvzutpfc556bah1
Reason : WE are DA best . xD
Howdy players , [GM]Chopper here , the head [GM] of the Universal Silkroad team.
I'd like to introduce the [GM] team , which we have in more than 8 languages supporting , including the fun and excitement with the team you should come across ! We have a very nice [GM] team , that enjoys having fun , and making sure that the players have a nice time on this route to Happiness for our players. What we mostly care about on Universal Silkroad is not the money , or the paychecks , we are looking to be the best private server , ever hosted on the planet ( hoping ) , and YOU , are the only ones who can make that come true! Our [GM] team supports 8 languages for the chances of everyone being able to understand whats going down! The languages that are supported on Universal Silkroad by our fellow [GM]'s are the following !
- English
- German
- Turkish
- Spanish
- French
- Polish
- Arabic
- Albanian
The amazing [GM] team is the following !
~ [GM]Chopper - Head [GM] , Universal Silkroad Administrator , Developer & Database Editor & Forum [Admin]
~ [GM]ARiiANO - [GM] , German Support , Albanian Support & Forum [GM]
~ [GM]Adamantium - [GM] , Polish Support , & Forum [GM]
~ [GM]Knikl3 - [GM] , German Support , & Forum [GM]
~ [GM]Tunacha - [GM] , PK2 Editor , English Support , & Forum [GM]
~ [GM]Disco - [GM] , Polish Support , & Forum [GM]
~ [GM]AngryNorbert - [GM] , German Support , Facebook Updater , & Forum [GM]
~ [GM]Tbone - [GM] , English Support , & Forum [GM]
~ [GM]Ragnorak - [GM] , English Support , & Forum [GM]
~ [GM]GanjaGuru - [GM] , Spanish Support , & Forum [GM]
~ [GM]RX - [GM] , Arabic Support , & Forum [GM]
~ [GM]ErayTuna - [GM] , Turkish Support , & Forum [GM]
~ [GM]SlimShady - [GM] , French Support , & Forum [GM]
The server's information as of rates , and much more are the following !
Server Details:
Cap: 110
Europe/Chines: Both.
Server Files: VSRO - Legend VI - Forgotten World.
Skills: All Working - Status, Duration, Knock Back, Knock Down, etc.
Pets: All working.
Maps: All areas working.
Avatars: Working and a large Range via item mall.
CTF: Working
FW: Working not activated yet while other bugs are fixed.
FGW: Working
Xtrap: Disabled.
Server: Universal - (*Slots: 1000 / Increasing when starts getting Crowded).
Server status: Online
Traffic: Online
Exp rate: 90x
Party exp rate: 110x
Sp rate: 90/100x
Job Gold Rate: 40x
Gold rate: 10x
Drop rate: 50x
Berserk rate: 5x
Alchemy success rate: Improved greatly in stages.
* During bug fixes and testing they may be different than stated.
Custom Features:
Stackable Limit! :
-Arrows 10000
-Bolts 10000
-All HP Pots 10000
-All MP Pots 10000
-All Vigors 10000
-All Elixirs 100
-All Universal Pills
Coins for Egyptian Sets and More at NPC's for the following prices! :
Gold Coin: 1'500'000'000 ( 1.5 Billion ) / 1
Silver Coin: 750'000'000 ( 750 Million ) / 1
Iron Coin: 500'000'000 ( 500 Million ) / 1
Bronze coin: 250'000'000 ( 250 Million ) / 1
CUSTOM GLOWS : We will have special custom glows , that NO other server has , and the glows will begin from +7 and ending at +20 , the alchemy rates will be almost rare to get to +20 , but we will still have a glow for the plus . !
Starting Items : Still being worked on , idea's are welcomed!
You are welcomed to join , the server will be online shortly , will update this page daily to let the players know what's going on , and etc , thanks and much love to everyone.
Server Opening Date : 3/01/2012 10:00 AM PCT - GMT +(8)
^--- May be later / sooner , depending on how long it takes for certain people to reply to my emails.
[GM]Chopper & The Team .
Facbook Page : Universal Silkroad Community | Facebook <--- Like it , and be prepared / updated on delays / earlier releases !
Website : www.universalsilkroad.com
Forum : universal.activeboard.com
Trailer : ----- Almost completed , will be uploaded soon -----