
Server Info

Cap: 110
Europe/Chines: Both.
Server Files: VSRO - Legend VI - Forgotten World
Skills: All Working - Status, Duration, KB, KD, ect
Pets: All working
Maps: All areas working
Avatars: Working and a large Range via item mall
Item Mall: Fully working
Guild/Union Emblem: Working
CTF: Working
FW: Working
FGW: Working
Xtrap: Disabled

Server: Atomix - (*Slots: 3000).
Server status: Online
Traffic: Easy
Exp/Sp rate: 150x
Party Exp/Sp rate: 160x
Drop rate: 40x
Gold Rate: 10x
Job Gold Rate: 300x
Berzerk Rate: 5x
Sox Rate: 4x
FGW Talisman drop: 2.5x
Alchemy Succes Rate: Improved greatly in stages.

* During bug fixes and testing they may be different than stated.

Server Specs:

Dual Intel Xeon E5620 Quad-Core w/HT (16 cores)
48GB DDR3-ECC-Registered
2 x 1TB Western Digital Raid-Edition 4 SATA (64MB Cache)
10TB Transfer
1gbs Connection

We have 3x gameserver up and running so we can support everything.

Custom Features:

Custom Job Rates:

This is Atomix's most successful custom feature, you will not find any other p-server that offered 24.7 jobbing wars. There is always traders and hunters and thiefs battling it out to make there high amounts of gold on the server. Welcome to how silkroad use to be! Jobbing Fun!

Custom Launcher:

Stackable Limit:

-Arrows 10000
-Bolts 10000
-All HP Pots 10000
-All MP Pots 10000
-All Vigors 10000
-All Elixirs 100
-All Universal Pills

NPC items:

-All 10d and 11d weapons available at Hotan and Alex.

-Behemoths available at all stables.

-Coins for egyptain sets at npc with the following prices:

Gold Coin: 1'000'000'000
Silver Coin: 500'000'000
Iron Coin: 250'000'000
Bronze coin: 125'000'000


Alchemy: Improved

We decided to increase the alchemy rate to make it more fun for the server. Joymax's original system was far too based on making money via there item mall and keeping the rates low so you had to buy imo ect. We decided to make it incredibly better to get those pluses you all love. However this doesn't take the fun away from alchemy at all as higher +'s still take great risks and you can still lose your item just like normal, we just wanted to give players a bit more fun too it.

Jobbing: 40x Goods Value.

This was done because we felt over each cap the actual main concept of the game was taken away. Jobbing is that main concept and is the no.1 thing we promote on our server. In order to do this and make it "worthwhile" we decided to make jobbing your main income of gold. You can gain gold from grinding still, but you will gain it much more faster and with a lot more fun with the jobbing systems. Now you might think that's all good but what use is gold? Well thats true and as a result we have added the Egy set coins to the NPC. You might think so does this mean everyone will be running round in Egy sets? the answer is no, we don't want people to job for 1-2 weeks and be able to gain there sets, we want jobbing stay alive on the server. So in order for this to happen we have set the coins prices to match that. You can expect an average person to be able to gain there full Egy set in 2-3 months of casual jobbing.

Website + Download Links:

Backlink: Top right EPVP logo after pressing enter.

Maine Site: 
..::Atomix Silkroad::.. - Silkroad Private Server
Reg Page: 
..::Atomix Silkroad::.. - Silkroad Private Server

Download Links:

AtomixRO Silkroad Team

Atomix - Server Owner / Admin / Forum Admin / GM
Kellogz - Deputy Admin / Developer / Forum Mod / GM / PK2 Editor / Co Owner
Atomix Server Team

GM Team


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