Lyssa Online

~~~~Website and Download~~~~
.:: Lyssa Online -Server Silkroad Online ::.

Personal FTP Best speed(2mb/s or so,depends on ur net speed:

~~~~Media from personal FTP:~~~~ but it is better to download full client.


Deposit Files


You can get a lot of crashes without a full client, so I recommend for you guys to download it.

~~~~Server info~~~~
Exp Rate: x30 (might be increased if people like to but believe me its enough atm)
Party Exp Rate: x32
Drop Rate: x10
Gold Drop Rate: x10
Sox Drop Rate: x2
Race: CH And EU
Level Cap: 100
Skill Cap: 100
Job Rate: x2
Server Capacity: 500 for now
Auto Potion: Included
Magic Pop: x1
Arena: On
FW: On
Status: 24/7
GMs: Friendly They will always answer your questions.
Version: Vsro(old files) 1.324
Host: Dedicated server 24/7 Uptime
So friendly community they will always help you if u need something


~~~~Update 04.03.2012~~~~

-Teleports from JG teleporter to Job Temple added. (level restriction: lv 90)
-Job Cave Fully Working, Uniques changed to lv 100 their dmg and hp as well. Mobs still normal but they dropping 10dg tabs stones and items.
-Teleports from JG teleporter to B1 B2 B3 B4
-Smarkand as PVP Zone ( NO SAFE ZONE IN HERE !)
-Roc set added in Grocery(acc shop) in hotan (Goods tab) for iron and gold coins from Job temple uniques.


~~~~25.02.2012 to 1,5-2weeks later Video Event~~~~
Reward : 1000 Silks

1. Make the best promotional , pvp, event video. (Must be recorded on Lyssa Online Server)
2. Upload it to the youtube with a name "Lyssa Online 100 CAP + smth what u like"
3. Put ur Char Name at the video or in the description
4. Don't try to steal others work
5. Send us the link to
6. The best video gonna be rewarded with 1000 silks.


~~~~GM Team~~~~

Active and friendly =)

[GM]Rilee - head admin, db coder, media.pk2 coder, english and french support ingame.
[GM]Ace - head admin, db coder, media.pk2 coder , polish and english support ingame.
[GM]Nemesis - GM, polish and english support ingame.
[GM]Raphael - GM, french and english support ingame.
[GM]Fatality and [GM]Fatal - GM, db coder , media.pk2 coder, polish and english support ingame
[GM]Infest - GM, polish and english support.

Always feel free to PM (whisper) us and tell us whats the problem, but please don't ask for gold or items =)


~~~~Cheap Silks~~~~

10 ways to buy including:
[B]- SMS Payment
- Paypal
- Pay safe card
- Visa
- Ukash
- BoxPay
- Boku
- MobileF1rst
- Fortumo
- clicknbuy 



Jangan (Bandit + JG Fw works)
DW Cave
Hotan (Hotan FW disabled atm)
Smarkand ( PVP ZONE)
Roc Mountain
JG Cave
FGW 9DG and 10DG
Job Temple


~~~~What's more~~~~
-new alchemy system(photos below)
-Stackable items(photo below)
-Purification Pills Removed, so force rox here.
-New Lv 60 Job suits.


~~~~Start Items~~~~
20X 100% speed scrolls
5X Reverse return scrolls
5X instant return scroll
Grab pet 7days
Devil spirit 5% 7 days


~~~~Stackable Items~~~~


~~~~New Items at NPC~~~~

Dimension holes, curst hearts, monster summons scrolls, pandora boxes at NPC !


~~~~Active Community~~~~


~~~~New horse(Unicorn)~~~~


~~~~Custom uniques spawns~~~~
New uniques have been added:
- Constantinople area - Cyclops lv15
- Jupiter Temple - Shinmoo lv90

- Earth Ghost Canyon - Togui Elder lv39

- Samarkand area - Battle Golem lv42

- Karakoram Entrance - Rage Cloud lv55

- Roc Mountain - Black Cloud lv72


~~~~New Alchemy Rates and Glows !~~~~

Alchemy rates:


+1-+4 x2
+5 Normal
+6 +7 100%
+8 to +15 x2 



~~~~New Item Mall Items~~~~

Devil Spirit S 

New Avatars:

- CTF - 00:00 02:00 04:00 06:00...
- Fortress War - Every Sunday at 18.30 GMT+1
Roc spawns everyday at morning and at evening at 18:00 GMT +1 ( U need a key of bloodline to get in there)


~~~~Our plans~~~~
- adding all avatars (most of them added already)
- adding fellow pets
- and also we are waiting for your suggestions .


~~~~Daily Events~~~~
-Uniques Spawn - mostly JG south, and around JG
-PVP tournaments
-Send a good song or dancefloor song to a Admin and receive 150 or 300 silks
-Kill a strong unique with ur party(GM choose what unique) and receive some silks.
-Hide and seek with rewards(mostly silk items or sos 9dg-10d wep)
-Job Run Events
-Pandora Boxes


~~~~Update 16.02.2012~~~~
Server cap has been successfully increased from cap lv 90 to 100.
JG cave fully opened.
Dimension Holes 10D(FGW teleports)successfully added to npc.
10D Lucky powders successfully added to npc.
10D items drop successfully added.
Roc spawns everyday at morning and at evening at 18:00 GMT +1


~~~~Botting Allowed = KDBOT TUTORIAL + MBOT ~~~~

Get your free mbot crack here 
[Release] mBot Crack! ([VSRO] Current version: 1.12b) 

Credits for mbot: Coldfever aka Noex

1.Open KDBotLite Folder
2.Open Proxy folder
3.Open 01 Folder
4.Edit Phconnector.ini
5. Put these setting in

6.Close and save
7.Start phconnector.exe
8.Move to kdbotlite folder.
9.Open Kdbotlite.exe (if u have skill.txt error download libraries from official sarkoplata thread or start as administrator)
10.Choose Auto Config and 01
11.Wait till bot loads
12.Open edxloaderlite or edxloader5
13.Put these settings

15.Happy Botting


Rates aren't low you can be 90-100 ff in about 2-4 days max, also you can easily lvl up by the uniques events.

If you have any questions just feel free to ask.

I hope I will see you in server 

other topics(a bit outdated) thx to guys who created them : 
Lyssa SRO 90cap New Uniques Win easy free silk

Lyssa Online!!! NEW UNIQUES!! CHRISTMAS !!
Tasarım: Mert Balcı
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