
FORUM : http://h2k-project.net/board

register :

client : http://www.multiupload.com/UWJTW8VPKI


web-shop : http://h2k-project.net/web-shop

Server Info

Cap: 110

Europe / China : Both.
Server Files: VSRO - Legend VI - Forgotten World
Skills: All Working - Status, Duration, KB, KD, ect
Pets: All working
Maps: All areas working
Avatars: Working
Item Mall: via web-shop

CTF: Working
FW: Working
FGW: Working
Xtrap: Disabled

Server: H2K-SRO_110 - (*Slots: 1000).
Server status: Online
Traffic: Easy
Exp/Sp rate: 250x
Party Exp/Sp rate: 500x
Drop rate: 100x
Gold Rate: 150x
Job Gold Rate: 100x
Berzerk Rate: 5x
Sox Rate: 10x

what you get when you create char ? take a look here :

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 800x600.

- 3 inventory pages
- 2 storage expansion items ( that mean you have 7 pages )
- wolf
- gold pig 3 days
- 10 mil gold
- 100 k sp
- 10 zerk potions
- 50 vigors 40%
- 50 instant return scroll
- 10 speed up scrolls 100%
- item mall market open ( expansion consigmant ) - make 30 slots / better then 10 
- 10 cakes 1000 hp / 1000 mp - give mana and hp 
- 1000 hp x-large mall potions
- 1000 mp x-large mall potions
- 10 int scrolls ( 5 int )
- 10 str scrolls ( 5 str)
- 5 damage scrolls (10%)
- 5 defense scrolls (10%)
- 5 evasion scrolls ( parry rate 40%)
- 5 accuracy scrolls ( attack rate 40%)
- 10 movoi balloons ( woot sexy )
- 10 mangyang balloons ( nice yellow bulb )
Tasarım: Mert Balcı
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